Purbrook Park School

LA_code 850
LA_name Hampshire
EstablishmentNumber 5414
EstablishmentName Purbrook Park School
TypeOfEstablishment Foundation school
EstablishmentStatus Open
PhaseOfEducation Secondary
StatutoryLowAge 11
StatutoryHighAge 16
Boarders No boarders
NurseryProvision No Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm Does not have a sixth form
Gender Mixed
ReligiousCharacter None
ReligiousEthos Does not apply
Diocese Not applicable
AdmissionsPolicy Non-selective
TrustSchoolFlag Supported by a trust
Trusts The Purbrook Park Learning Trust
SchoolSponsorFlag Not applicable
FederationFlag Not under a federation
UKPRN 10017269
FurtherEducationType Not applicable
Street Park Avenue
Locality Purbrook
Town Waterlooville
County Hampshire
Postcode PO7 5DS
SchoolWebsite http://www.purbrookparkschool.co.uk/
TelephoneNum 02392370351
HeadTitle Mr
HeadFirstName Paul
HeadLastName Foxley