Hordle CofE (VA) Primary School

LA_code 850
LA_name Hampshire
EstablishmentNumber 5206
EstablishmentName Hordle CofE (VA) Primary School
TypeOfEstablishment Voluntary aided school
EstablishmentStatus Open
PhaseOfEducation Primary
StatutoryLowAge 2
StatutoryHighAge 11
Boarders No boarders
NurseryProvision Has Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm Does not have a sixth form
Gender Mixed
ReligiousCharacter Church of England
ReligiousEthos Does not apply
Diocese Diocese of Winchester
AdmissionsPolicy Non-selective
TrustSchoolFlag Not applicable
SchoolSponsorFlag Not applicable
FederationFlag Not under a federation
UKPRN 10075832
FurtherEducationType Not applicable
Street Hordle Lane
Locality Hordle
Town Lymington
County Hampshire
Postcode SO41 0FB
SchoolWebsite www.hordle.hants.sch.uk/
TelephoneNum 01425611657
HeadTitle Miss
HeadFirstName Louise
HeadLastName Trim