Riders Infant School

LA_code 850
LA_name Hampshire
EstablishmentNumber 2101
EstablishmentName Riders Infant School
TypeOfEstablishment Community school
EstablishmentStatus Open
PhaseOfEducation Primary
StatutoryLowAge 4
StatutoryHighAge 7
Boarders No boarders
NurseryProvision No Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm Does not have a sixth form
Gender Mixed
ReligiousCharacter Does not apply
ReligiousEthos Does not apply
Diocese Not applicable
AdmissionsPolicy Not applicable
TrustSchoolFlag Not applicable
SchoolSponsorFlag Not applicable
FederationFlag Supported by a federation
Federations The Federation of riders Infant and Junior Schools
UKPRN 10075392
FurtherEducationType Not applicable
Street Kingsclere Avenue
Locality Leigh Park
Town Havant
County Hampshire
Postcode PO9 4RY
SchoolWebsite www.ridersschools.co.uk
TelephoneNum 02392475342
HeadTitle Mr
HeadFirstName Anthony
HeadLastName Markham